Browse my free resources, aimed at helping you become StrongHer wherever you are in your journey!

  • Are you…

    • Just getting started on your journey?

    • Wanting to temporarily scale back your training in a busy season of life?

    • Getting back into a groove again after taking some time off?

    • Simply looking to get an idea of how I write programs for my clients?

    If so, this 3-Day Full Body Program was built just for YOU! Each of the sessions should only take 30-45 min; helping you to achieve maximal results with minimal time! This program includes links to video demonstrations as well as recommended substitutions for those training at home.

  • Have you been training consistently for months, maybe even years, and still haven’t seen the improvements in performance or changes in body composition you’d expect?

    Are you starting to think that MAYBE, your dream body just isn’t in the cards for you?

    If so, I get it because I’ve been there, and this free guide will explain how you can evaluate your training intention, intensity and execution to go from just showing up at the gym and working out to actually TRAINING your body for progress.

  • Are you currently struggling with…

    • Low levels of energy and strength while training?

    • Extreme levels of soreness for multiple days at a time?

    • Growing muscle and changing the shape of your body?

    If so, say goodbye to plateaus, frustration, and fatigue, and hello to hitting PRs and building the body of your dreams! Jam-packed with information that will help you to optimize your training performance, recovery, and physique goals through the use of supportive pre and post-workout nutrition, this guide is going to help you take your training and physique to the next level!