Welcome friend,
I'm Amber, a certified fitness and nutrition coach with a commitment to helping women who love to train achieve their performance and physique goals with high quality, effective, no bs training programs!
I founded the StrongHer Project to help women like YOU achieve a strong, healthy physique you’re proud of while living a life you LOVE.
My Specialties
Sustainable Fat Loss
Building and Maintaining Muscle
Creating a Maintainable Lifestyle
My Story…
How it started…
I have been an athlete for the majority of my life. I started playing soccer at an early age and it was through playing soccer in high school that I was introduced to and fell in love with weight training. I loved feeling STRONG and wanted to look toned and athletic, so I spent many hours running on the treadmill and training legs with a little upper body sprinkled in. As much as I thought I knew what to do, the approach I took resulted in…
An incredibly LEAN (not toned) physique because I didn’t actually have any muscle on my frame.
An extremely poor relationship with food as I bounced from one extreme to the next because I LOVE to eat and cook, but I didn’t think I could eat the things I love and achieve or maintain the physique I wanted.
Struggling with body dysmorphia in high school/college; even at my leanest, doing excessive cardio, training 2x a day and following a strict diet, I still thought I was fat.
And despite never feeling satisfied with my physique I maintained this approach for many years; thinking that if I just worked HARDER I could finally achieve the body of my dreams.
A few years later…
My life was turned upside down when my father lost his battle with ALS in 2018. Consumed with grief, I stopped caring about my own health; I stopped training, started binge drinking, and eating whatever I wanted. This went on for almost a year until I realized just how far I had spiraled out of control. I had gained 40 lbs, was extremely fatigued all of the time, and couldn’t fit in any of my clothes.
I decided something had to change.
The turning point…
I decided to join an online fitness challenge for a little accountability as I eased back into training.
For the first time in my life, I actually followed a plan and learned how to track and balance macros. I was able to lose the weight I had gained, but still felt like I didn’t have all the pieces in place needed to achieve the body composition I had been chasing for so many years of my life. I still felt like that skinny girl I was in college; not the strong, athletic, toned, confident woman I wanted to be.
I needed something different to take me to that NEXT LEVEL and that’s when I decided to hire a 1:1 coach and began studying and training to become a coach myself.
Through that continued support and education, I was not only able to build the strong, healthy, resilient, athletic physique of my DREAMS; I was able to finally balance both my fitness and wellness goals with my passion for food and actually ENJOY life!
And now I help other women do the same!
“Through that continued support and education, I was not only able to build the strong, healthy, resilient, athletic physique of my DREAMS; I was able to finally balance both my fitness and wellness goals with my passion for food and actually ENJOY life!”
My Certifications
Certified Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach
Online Fitness and Nutrition Certification (DLDNation)
Certified Pre & Postnatal Coach (Girls Gone Strong)
N1 Course One
Anatomy, Execution and Biomechanics
N1 Course Two
Nutrition and Program Design for Trainability
N1 Practical
Biomechanics - March 2024
Program Design - December 2024